深圳國際工業設計大展 2018 Shenzhen International Industrial Design Fair

“Change is the only permanent thing in this world”. It is for this reason that we are so obsessed with exploring future frontiers, and so fearful that we will be left behind as the world continues on. Since the mid-last century, Taiwan’s manufacturing industry has played a key role in the world’s supply chain. Facing the rise of digital creation and artificial intelligence, Taiwan has stepped into an irreplaceable role. Simultaneously, issues such as attention and care for culture, creativity, history, societal issues, and environmental issues have become more prevalent in Taiwan in recent years. How do we build a bridge for communication between these “hard” and “soft” services? How do we increase the welfare of people and assist humanity through the usage of technology while facing such an uncertain future? “Design” might be the only answer.

The Taiwan Pavilion of Shenzhen International Industrial Design Fair, a continuation of “Taiwan Design Expo 2018”, unlocks keys to building that bridge. The exhibition gathered ten experts from different areas of design, integrating hard and soft services including- branding, user interface, product development, transportation, cultural and creative industries, material applied innovation- in an attempt to provide China with a one-stop service. This exhibition brings a well-rounded visualization and understanding of the future and its possibilities to the government, enterprises, and the public. The seemingly opposite soft/hard, gentle/rough, fantasy/reality, culture/economy, will no longer be completely oppositional, but will become partners in mutual support and growth. A better and more sustainable future can only be built with the cooperation of both hard and soft services and interdisciplinary integration.

「世上唯一永恆不變的事,就是事物不斷在改變。」也因此我們對於未來的探究也如此痴迷,為落伍於世界而恐懼。台灣的製造業長久以來在世界的供應鏈扮演著關伴的角色,在面臨數位製造、人工智慧等世界趨勢的當下,亦進化成為無法被取代的角色。與此同時,文化、創意、歷史、社會與環境關懷等議題的關注度亦在台灣不斷提高。產業與社會在面臨捉摸不清的未來時,如何在「硬」與「軟」的發展之間搭起交流的橋䖻,讓產業能增進人類福祉、人性能得到科技輔助,「設計」即是最佳解答。2018 深圳國際工業設計大展台灣館,延續2018台灣設計展的主題 「軟:硬 - 超越想像的產業未來」,集結了來自臺灣10家不同設計領域的軟硬整合專家,從品牌策劃、使用者介面、產品開發、交通工具、文創商品到創新材料應用,期望能夠為大陸產業提供一個完整的一站式服務,同時也讓客戶理解 - 軟與硬,柔與剛,幻想與務實,文化與經濟,透過設計轉化後,這些看似彼此對立的面相,都將不再是對立的彼端,而是互相支持成長的夥伴。

Year 2018
Date 2018.11.5-11.7
Venue 深圳會展中心2號館(中國廣東省深圳市福田區益田路)
Hosts 深圳市人民政府
Organizer 深圳市工業設計行業協會(SIDA)
Taiwan Pavilion E1台灣設計力
Taiwan Pavilion Organizer 台灣創意設計中心
Curator Shikai Tseng
Project Manager Riva Zhong
Design Team Elinda Chen, Anyu Lee

Studio Shikai — All Rights Reserved