下十年 ,循環設計展
Disaster or Design at Taitung Design Center
"Earth Overshoot Day" marks the date when humanity has exhausted nature's resources and services in a given year. In 1970, the Earth Overshoot Day was December 29th. Since then, the Earth Overshoot Day has inched forward every year, as our consumption increases. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the ensuing massive recession in 2020, the Earth Overshoot Day of 2020 moved back to August 22th. Still, that means an overdraft of 4-months of natural resources from the future of Earth—as if we have 1.6 earths. While the truth is, we only have one earth.
In Taitung, the lush mountain terrain, vast blue ocean, and the fertile land make Taitung a symbol of nature. The people's deep intimacy with nature, environmental consciousness and sustainability awareness are connected to the surrounding land. How will we best address the environmental crisis to protect and preserve our land? How can Taitung play a part in the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainability Development?
In times of uncertainty, we present Disaster or Design—A Circular Design Exhibition. Circular Design is a design method aimed at eliminating waste and continuously reusing resources, while generating economic growth. This project seeks to find opportunities within crisis—Combining Design, Business, and Science, showcased under six themes—Food, Fashion/Textiles, Housing/Objects, Electrical/Electronic, Plastic/Packaging, and Cities, 40 Circular Design Cases are presented to illustrate Design's potential and its vital role in achieving a circular economy.
Year 2020
Date 2020.9.25-2021.2.28
Venue 臺東設計中心 Taitung Design Center
Advisor 經濟部工業局、文化部
Organizer 臺東縣政府
Implementer 臺東設計中心
Assistance Organizer 台灣設計研究院
Curator REnato lab
Design Director Shikai Tseng
Designer Huang Yaya, Sean Wen
In Taitung, the lush mountain terrain, vast blue ocean, and the fertile land make Taitung a symbol of nature. The people's deep intimacy with nature, environmental consciousness and sustainability awareness are connected to the surrounding land. How will we best address the environmental crisis to protect and preserve our land? How can Taitung play a part in the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainability Development?
In times of uncertainty, we present Disaster or Design—A Circular Design Exhibition. Circular Design is a design method aimed at eliminating waste and continuously reusing resources, while generating economic growth. This project seeks to find opportunities within crisis—Combining Design, Business, and Science, showcased under six themes—Food, Fashion/Textiles, Housing/Objects, Electrical/Electronic, Plastic/Packaging, and Cities, 40 Circular Design Cases are presented to illustrate Design's potential and its vital role in achieving a circular economy.
Year 2020
Date 2020.9.25-2021.2.28
Venue 臺東設計中心 Taitung Design Center
Advisor 經濟部工業局、文化部
Organizer 臺東縣政府
Implementer 臺東設計中心
Assistance Organizer 台灣設計研究院
Curator REnato lab
Design Director Shikai Tseng
Designer Huang Yaya, Sean Wen

Studio Shikai — All Rights Reserved