Eatopia - London Design Biennale Taiwan Pavilion

In London Design Biennale 2016, Taiwan's installation, Eatopia, celebrates diversity in the pursuit of a utopian state, and offers visitors a unique culinary experience in a tranquil forest-like setting. In More's Utopia, a contented community eats lunch and dinner together every day, and food is always plentiful. These meals play a crucial part in creating the ideal society's strong social bond. For the Biennale, architect Rain Wu and designer Shikai Tseng have rethought the utopian dining experience with a constructivist menu designed to explore the creative melting pot of Taiwanese identities. The installation promises to engage all of the visitors' senses, to refresh and provide 'food for thought'.

Eatopia 修龍 – 台灣文化進化論

台灣的歷史自有記錄以來,有眾多的移民於不同的時期遷入, 帶來了不同的文化,也一起經歷過戰爭、殖民、戒嚴、民主化等重要的時代。在300年間,因為這塊土地複雜的歷史和族群組合, 究竟哪一個文化才能代表臺灣,我們需要如何向世界介紹自己,這樣的爭論直到今天也沒有停歇。「Eatopia 修龍 – 台灣文化進化論」在倫敦設計雙年展的主題「設計所建構的烏托邦」之下,提出了一個新的想像:幾個世代之後,族群的文化之間有沒有可能不再保持安全距離,而是繼續相撞、交流、融合,最後誕生出新的文化!「修龍」將以食物設計、互動裝置、圖像以及影片將觀眾的焦點放在眾多文化開始交融後所產生的美好,開啟台灣文化的未來想像。

Year 2016
Administering Bodies  Chinese Institute of Urban Design, Taiwan; cxcity
Curators Shikai Tseng, Rain Wu
Co-Curator & PM Lydia Chang
Design Team Shikai Tseng, Rain Wu, Lydia Chang, Chung-Ho Tsai,  Eugene Chang (cxcity)
Exception Chef Po-Yen Fang
Concept Film Yuen Hsueh
Event Documentary Yen-An Chen
Graphics Design Godkidlla
Text Editor Jennifer Wong
PR Advisor  Doris Hu
PR (Taiwan)  Lagi Chen
PR (UK) OCTOBER Comms、Wen-Shin Yang
Supporting Bodies Ministry of Culture, Taiwan; Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Taiwan; Taipei City Government Cultural Division; World Design Capital Taipei 2016; RC Culture and Arts Foundation; Pasadena International Group; Stone & Resource Industry R&D Centre; Hoomia; Layer One Co. Ltd.; Milk Tea & Pearl

Studio Shikai — All Rights Reserved