軟:硬 - 實踐跨域創新的未來 Future Cross Boundaries
The value of design has been in Taiwan for nearly 70 years, from the early stage of making attractive appearances of products, to the middle stage of introducing of human factors engineering and user experience, and the recent stage of out of the fields of products and businesses, and began using systematically integrative thinking to re-examine the environment in which we live and the mode of social operation, "Design" has always existed for the pursuit of a better future! In the process of thinking about how to do a better future, "design" must also consider soft factors such as culture, environment, humanity, and cooperate with the economy, technology, manufacturing this kind of efficiency-oriented heavy industries, producing more solutions that fulfills the long-term interests of humanity and society.
In the August 2018, this exhibition was named the theme "Future Beyond Imagination" and first presented “Taiwan Design Expo 2018” at the Taichung Cultural and Creative Industries Park in Taichung, focusing on technology and manufacturing that emphasises the excellent cases importance of the integration and imagination between hard and soft power from foreign and domestic. The exhibition created an immense response with 331,731 visitors in 33 days. The exhibition now is transferred to theTaiwan Design Museum at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park in Taipei, and renamed the theme to "Future Cross Boundaries". The exhibition now put "interdisciplinary" in the main topic from "Material Future", "Production Future" and "Life Future", gradually outlines the new situations created by the integration between soft and hard power, and finally the cases from "Interdisciplinary Future" allows audience to know that interdisciplinary integration can not only be applied in technology and manufacturing, but also integrate various professions in the public and government fields to create a better future for residents.In addition to demonstrating the industrial strength of Taiwan, this exhibition is also expected to bring a visualisation of the future to the government, enterprises and the public - soft and hard, fantasy and reality, culture and ecoomy. These are seemingly opposite sides will no longer be opposite to each other but being partners which mutual supports for growing. Only the soft and hard power cooperation and interdisciplinary integration can build a better and sustainable future.
2018年8月,本展首次以「軟:硬 - 超越產業想像的未來」為題,於台中文化部文化資產園區的「台灣設計展」展出,聚焦科技與製造業,以國內外的優秀案例強調軟硬兩種實力的整合成果與想像力的重要性,也引起了廣大的迴響,並在33天展期內,累積了33萬參觀人次。 此次展覽轉移到台灣設計與文化創意的重鎮 - 松菸口的台灣設計館展出,並重新命題為「軟:硬 - 實踐跨域創新的未來」。將「跨域」加入展覽主軸,從「材料創新」、「製造創新」、「生活創新」,由小至大的三個面向來說明軟硬兩種實力整合所開創的新局面,最後再以「公共創新」的案例讓觀眾知道跨域整合不只能運用在於科技與製造業之中,也能夠在公共與政府領域整合各種專業,為居民創造更美好的未來。這個展覽除了展現台灣的產業實力,也期望能帶給政府、企業與大眾一個可視化的未來願景 - 軟與硬,柔與剛,幻想與務實,文化與經濟,這些看似彼此對立的面相,都將不再是對立的彼端,而是互相支持成長的夥伴,也唯有軟硬合作、跨域整合,才能建立一個更好、更永續的未來。
Year 2019
Date 2019.1.22-4.14
Venue 松山創園區 台灣設計館01/02/03展區
Organizer 經濟部工業局 Industrial Development Bureau
Executive Organizer 台灣創意設計中心
Curator Shikai Tseng
Co-Curator Paul Gong
Project Manager Riva Zhong
Exhibits Designer Elinda Chen
Graphic Designer Huang Yaya
In the August 2018, this exhibition was named the theme "Future Beyond Imagination" and first presented “Taiwan Design Expo 2018” at the Taichung Cultural and Creative Industries Park in Taichung, focusing on technology and manufacturing that emphasises the excellent cases importance of the integration and imagination between hard and soft power from foreign and domestic. The exhibition created an immense response with 331,731 visitors in 33 days. The exhibition now is transferred to theTaiwan Design Museum at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park in Taipei, and renamed the theme to "Future Cross Boundaries". The exhibition now put "interdisciplinary" in the main topic from "Material Future", "Production Future" and "Life Future", gradually outlines the new situations created by the integration between soft and hard power, and finally the cases from "Interdisciplinary Future" allows audience to know that interdisciplinary integration can not only be applied in technology and manufacturing, but also integrate various professions in the public and government fields to create a better future for residents.In addition to demonstrating the industrial strength of Taiwan, this exhibition is also expected to bring a visualisation of the future to the government, enterprises and the public - soft and hard, fantasy and reality, culture and ecoomy. These are seemingly opposite sides will no longer be opposite to each other but being partners which mutual supports for growing. Only the soft and hard power cooperation and interdisciplinary integration can build a better and sustainable future.
2018年8月,本展首次以「軟:硬 - 超越產業想像的未來」為題,於台中文化部文化資產園區的「台灣設計展」展出,聚焦科技與製造業,以國內外的優秀案例強調軟硬兩種實力的整合成果與想像力的重要性,也引起了廣大的迴響,並在33天展期內,累積了33萬參觀人次。 此次展覽轉移到台灣設計與文化創意的重鎮 - 松菸口的台灣設計館展出,並重新命題為「軟:硬 - 實踐跨域創新的未來」。將「跨域」加入展覽主軸,從「材料創新」、「製造創新」、「生活創新」,由小至大的三個面向來說明軟硬兩種實力整合所開創的新局面,最後再以「公共創新」的案例讓觀眾知道跨域整合不只能運用在於科技與製造業之中,也能夠在公共與政府領域整合各種專業,為居民創造更美好的未來。這個展覽除了展現台灣的產業實力,也期望能帶給政府、企業與大眾一個可視化的未來願景 - 軟與硬,柔與剛,幻想與務實,文化與經濟,這些看似彼此對立的面相,都將不再是對立的彼端,而是互相支持成長的夥伴,也唯有軟硬合作、跨域整合,才能建立一個更好、更永續的未來。
Year 2019
Date 2019.1.22-4.14
Venue 松山創園區 台灣設計館01/02/03展區
Organizer 經濟部工業局 Industrial Development Bureau
Executive Organizer 台灣創意設計中心
Curator Shikai Tseng
Co-Curator Paul Gong
Project Manager Riva Zhong
Exhibits Designer Elinda Chen
Graphic Designer Huang Yaya

Studio Shikai — All Rights Reserved