LaVie 2019 Creative Awards trophy

The trophy for LaVie 100 Creative ideas Award 2019 consists of two cone shapes. The larger cone narrows to a golden point, and the smaller cone sits delicately on top. The two-sided cone form symbolizes a circular creative process—designers discovering materials obscured in the land, and transforming them into a new worldview. This worldview becomes the foundation for future generations.

The production of the trophy is assisted by Stone & Resource industry R&D Center. The black and white millstone is made with offcuts from a stone quarry. The method of reusing material offcuts not only utilizes circular design, but strengthens the concept of the trophy.

「2019 LaVie創意力100 雙年獎獎座」是由兩個角錐所構成,由大的角錐收束成為一個金色的小點,再由這個小點放射成為另外一個角錐,象徵四散在鄉土的人事物,被創意人所發現、收束,並從中發展出一個新的世界觀,而這個世界觀自此也將成為新的土壤,成為未來世代的創作根基。 獎座的材料和製作有賴花蓮石資中心居中協助,以花蓮石材產業產生的邊餘料重新製成黑白兩色的水磨石,從碎石重新凝結成為新材料的作法不僅契合循環經濟 ,也間接加強了獎杯本身的概念 。

Year 2019
Client La Vie
Production Assistant 財團法人石材暨資源產業研究發展中心 Stone & Resource industry R&D Center
Director ShiKai Tseng
Designer Yaya Huang

Studio Shikai — All Rights Reserved