Marble Tape Dispenser for TOOLS to LIVEBY
Ever since Richard Drew at 3M invented masking tape in 1925, we have been able to adhere almost everything instantly, skipping the wait for the glue to dry. This invention has increased our efficiency in completing a wide range of tasks, including household items repair, industrial spray painting, and food packaging. The earliest tape dispenser from 1932 was made of cast iron. Its weighted and angular form, along with its mechanical sensibility, made it a durable and reliable piece of tool. TOOLS to LIVEBY aims to provide practical and aesthetic stationery to its customers, bringing joy to everyday work. We have teamed up with Studio Shikai to reinterpret the classic dispenser: the equally hefty marble replaces iron to create a new visual texture, while its wire frame references its original industrial look. The resulting design is a tasteful addition to any existing stationery collection at home and at work.
自在3M公司工作的Richard Drew於1925年發明膠帶之後,人類省去了等待膠水乾燥的時間,大大增加了工作效率 。使用範疇從最早的家庭物品維修、工業噴漆到食物包裝,至今已在我們的生活當中無所不在。而在1932年誕生的史上第一個桌上型膠帶台是以鑄鐵與鐵板構成,簡練且機械感的線條與加厚的底座給予操作人員耐用的強烈印象。TOOLS to LIVEBY 禮拜文房具致力於將世界上簡單而美好的文書工具帶給消費者,讓每一天的工作都能充滿好心情。為了紀念1932年所發明的第一個膠帶台,TOOLS to LIVEBY 與 Studio Shikai合作,使用金屬線框與大理石元素重新詮釋經典膠帶台,在視覺與重量兼具的設計下,讓經典以新的形式留存於人們的桌上風景之中。
Year 2019
Cilent TOOLS to LIVEBY 禮拜文房具
Director Shikai Tseng
Designer Elinda Chen, Huang Yaya
Material Serpentine, Volakas, Stainless Steel
Production EVERLEE CO.,LTD 長華石業有限公司
Tape Dispenser (L) - 3.6 X 15.2 X 13.5 (H) cm
Tape Dispenser (S) - 3 X 12.2 X 9.5 (H) cm
自在3M公司工作的Richard Drew於1925年發明膠帶之後,人類省去了等待膠水乾燥的時間,大大增加了工作效率 。使用範疇從最早的家庭物品維修、工業噴漆到食物包裝,至今已在我們的生活當中無所不在。而在1932年誕生的史上第一個桌上型膠帶台是以鑄鐵與鐵板構成,簡練且機械感的線條與加厚的底座給予操作人員耐用的強烈印象。TOOLS to LIVEBY 禮拜文房具致力於將世界上簡單而美好的文書工具帶給消費者,讓每一天的工作都能充滿好心情。為了紀念1932年所發明的第一個膠帶台,TOOLS to LIVEBY 與 Studio Shikai合作,使用金屬線框與大理石元素重新詮釋經典膠帶台,在視覺與重量兼具的設計下,讓經典以新的形式留存於人們的桌上風景之中。
Year 2019
Cilent TOOLS to LIVEBY 禮拜文房具
Director Shikai Tseng
Designer Elinda Chen, Huang Yaya
Material Serpentine, Volakas, Stainless Steel
Production EVERLEE CO.,LTD 長華石業有限公司
Tape Dispenser (L) - 3.6 X 15.2 X 13.5 (H) cm
Tape Dispenser (S) - 3 X 12.2 X 9.5 (H) cm
Studio Shikai — All Rights Reserved