The Food & City for ShenZhen Creative Week 2018
As a main entrance into China, the city of Shenzhen is a young and multicultural melting pot, welcoming in people from around the world to explore, work, and find opportunities. In such an energetic and diverse environment, the people of Shenzhen have developed a culture of optimistic and brave exploration and embracement of the unknown.
The Food & City fuses this marked character of Shenzhen culture with design. We created an edible mini furniture maker space with delicate furniture made entirely from pastry and desserts. One is able to mix classic and modern design via re-arranging desks and chairs on a plate, and assembling different types of walls and floors. The dessert was made by the Taiwanese bakery Start Boulangerie, which adapts French desserts. The chef deconstructed ingredients from a traditional cake recipe, and reconstructed it according to the characteristics of 24 solar terms, combining classic Chinese spices- poria, barley, longan, jujube, sichuan pepper- and blending flavors to create new tastes. Join us and create your own story with The Food & City!
深圳,這座年輕、兼容並蓄的門戶城市,來自五湖四海的人們帶著屬於自己的故事來到這塊應許之地,經過大量串連與合作,共融出嶄新的城市文化。 「來了,就是深圳人」在開放與包容的人文環境下,使這裡充滿勇於開拓的勇氣,面對未知總以樂觀態度面對,這是只有我們能做而其他城市做不到的,年輕、包容性以及沒有包袱,正是深圳範! 〈大城小食The Food & City〉將這樣的氛圍與精神帶入設計,打造縮小版的未來傢具創客空間,這裡充滿獨特原創甜品製成的小零部件,餐盤即是牆面與地板,您可將經典設計與現代風格的桌面、椅腳重新排列,搭配一見傾心的牆面與地板,輕鬆五步驟演繹個性溷搭風,一如創客們在深圳持續併發的創意,最後,一口一口吃掉!
不只視覺大飽眼福,〈大城小食The Food & City〉甜品製作由台灣台南精品甜點Start Boulangerie 透析法國經典甜點的味道組合,搭配個性鮮明的中式食材,如茯苓、薏仁、桂圓、紅棗、花椒等,將傳統糕餅內常見的餡料拆解搭配「節氣」發散,帶來全新的調和味覺世界觀。快和我們一起用創意組裝您的大城小食故事吧!
Year 2018
Date 2018.3.19-3.22 09:00~17:00
Venue深圳會展中心 四號展館 4C02
Website http://www.szcreativeweek.com/
Organizer 深圳國際家具展
Curator Studio Shikai
Project Manager Show Liu
Graphic Design Wuba Yang
Design Team 陳鈺鈞 廖康捷 林志昇 Simon Lo
Food Design Joshua Wang from Start Boulangerie
Director 凌瑋隆 (Lin Wei-Lung) from Lane 216, East
Special Thanks HYM Turntable & Stereo Camo Lin Arko Studio 光和影像 Protrait Lin 蔡中和 (Chung Ho Tsai) Raymond Fan
The Food & City fuses this marked character of Shenzhen culture with design. We created an edible mini furniture maker space with delicate furniture made entirely from pastry and desserts. One is able to mix classic and modern design via re-arranging desks and chairs on a plate, and assembling different types of walls and floors. The dessert was made by the Taiwanese bakery Start Boulangerie, which adapts French desserts. The chef deconstructed ingredients from a traditional cake recipe, and reconstructed it according to the characteristics of 24 solar terms, combining classic Chinese spices- poria, barley, longan, jujube, sichuan pepper- and blending flavors to create new tastes. Join us and create your own story with The Food & City!
深圳,這座年輕、兼容並蓄的門戶城市,來自五湖四海的人們帶著屬於自己的故事來到這塊應許之地,經過大量串連與合作,共融出嶄新的城市文化。 「來了,就是深圳人」在開放與包容的人文環境下,使這裡充滿勇於開拓的勇氣,面對未知總以樂觀態度面對,這是只有我們能做而其他城市做不到的,年輕、包容性以及沒有包袱,正是深圳範! 〈大城小食The Food & City〉將這樣的氛圍與精神帶入設計,打造縮小版的未來傢具創客空間,這裡充滿獨特原創甜品製成的小零部件,餐盤即是牆面與地板,您可將經典設計與現代風格的桌面、椅腳重新排列,搭配一見傾心的牆面與地板,輕鬆五步驟演繹個性溷搭風,一如創客們在深圳持續併發的創意,最後,一口一口吃掉!
不只視覺大飽眼福,〈大城小食The Food & City〉甜品製作由台灣台南精品甜點Start Boulangerie 透析法國經典甜點的味道組合,搭配個性鮮明的中式食材,如茯苓、薏仁、桂圓、紅棗、花椒等,將傳統糕餅內常見的餡料拆解搭配「節氣」發散,帶來全新的調和味覺世界觀。快和我們一起用創意組裝您的大城小食故事吧!
Year 2018
Date 2018.3.19-3.22 09:00~17:00
Venue深圳會展中心 四號展館 4C02
Website http://www.szcreativeweek.com/
Organizer 深圳國際家具展
Curator Studio Shikai
Project Manager Show Liu
Graphic Design Wuba Yang
Design Team 陳鈺鈞 廖康捷 林志昇 Simon Lo
Food Design Joshua Wang from Start Boulangerie
Director 凌瑋隆 (Lin Wei-Lung) from Lane 216, East
Special Thanks HYM Turntable & Stereo Camo Lin Arko Studio 光和影像 Protrait Lin 蔡中和 (Chung Ho Tsai) Raymond Fan

Studio Shikai — All Rights Reserved