設計的進化 The Upward Spiral - SHENZHEN CREATIVE WEEK 2019

Throughout human history, visible design results are always preconditioned by significant but invisible evolution: from natural materials to artificial materials, from hands to tools, and from new technological applications to production process revolutions which finally become visible evidence for the evolution through the business cycle. WHY it is about design idea and mindset evolves in parallel with the HOW stated above: from function-first to human-oriented, and from cultural heritage to ecosystem sustainability as a whole. There is no such a thing as an isolated design, and the design that only concerns the present and individuals is against the evolution. Today with the widest spectrum of means on HOW, it is more urgent than ever to thoroughly ask the question of WHY.

Design has multiple dimensions. If design is an axis, technological reform is another one, they will intersect and create boundless possibilities. That’s where design begins to evolve. The 2019 Shenzhen International Furniture Exhibition invites a nationally renowned curator to be the master planner and present a new module in the design dome——the evolution of design.Dedicated to technological development in the industry of design with a goal of inspiring and driving design, the new exhibition area is the first in China. The evolution of design is committed to not just one product nor one designer, but also to technology, materials, folk art, ideas and more values from other dimensions besides design. We hope, with our expertise, through perspective planning and organizing, to present a docking port, to provide designers to meet the demand and with platforms to discuss the value of design to the whole industry, and to give Design in China new meanings.


設計的維度是多重的,如果說外觀的設計是一條軸線,那麼技術的變革則是另⼀條軸線,兩條軸線相交,產生出⽆限的可能性,設計由此而進化。2019年,深圳國際傢具展牽頭,邀請國內設計領域的知名策展人領銜策劃,在設計巨蛋內隆重推出全新版塊——設計的進化。作為國內首個關注設計領域的技術發展,以設計啓發和驅動為⽬標的全新展區,「設計的進化」不僅是展示某一件產品或某一個設計者,而是展示在外觀設計以外,還有技術、材料、民藝乃⾄觀念等更多維度的價值。希望通過專業的視⻆策劃、梳理並呈現給產業⼀個對接技術端、發現符合需求的設計師、探討設計價值的平台,從⽽為Design in China賦予新的意義。

Year 2019
Venue Shenzhen International Convention & Exhibition Center 4C01,Fuhuasan Road, Futian District, Shenzhen City 深圳时尚家居设计周曁深圳国际家具展 會展中心4C01
Date 2019.3.19 - 2019.3.22
Website www.szcreativeweek.com

Organizer Song Guo
Organizer/Co-curator Mimi Yan
Co-curator Shikai Tseng
Co-curator/Brand Consultant Shell Xu
Exhibits Designer Oliver Tsai
Graphic Design 繍繍文字芸術制作所 SHOW SHOW CRAFT
Curation Crew 陳佳意, 陳莹, 丁玎, Paul Gong, Riva Zhong, Elinda Chen, Huang Yaya, 林于婷, 劉上達, 麥欣, 史月紅
Director 凌瑋隆 (Lin Wei-Lung) from Lane 216, East
Special Support 瑞士文化基金會 prohelvetia
Partnership Desseilles, 先臨三維

Studio Shikai — All Rights Reserved