According to the report from World Bank and Verisk Maplecroft, Taiwan is among the most affected countries by natural disasters in the world. 73% of the population live in areas prone to more than three types of natural disaster, and over 90% of Taiwan’s land have been hit by two types of disasters. From short-term disasters like typhoons, landslides, earthquakes, man-made fires, to long-term disasters like volcanic eruptions or nuclear disaster. Since the 921 earthquake, Taiwan’s disaster prevention system has become much more complete than it was 20 years ago.

Disaster prevention knowledge is technical, and hard to understand for the general public. To address this issue, TDRI collaborated with DESIGN AND CREATIVE CENTER KOBE, an organization that has been devoted for years to disaster prevention. TDRI led 11 Taiwanese groups, 2 brand channels, and a philanthropic foundation to collaborate with the New Taipei City Government and the Disaster Prevention Education institution on conducting research and design and development. The teams employed methods centered around experiential learning of disaster prevention knowledge, and developed for 4 types of emergency kits for fires, earthquakes, floods, etc., and 8 disaster prevention teaching aids.

In the exhibition, five Tetris beasts represent different categories as a navigation system. The audience is involved in Q&As and workshops, to dispel myths and misconceptions about disaster prevention, and learn life-saving knowledge and skills to prepare for disaster scenarios.

Special guest Hirokazu Nagata, the Deputy Director of TDRI, introduced his method of promoting disaster prevention awareness at the exhibition. He believes that three characteristics are essential for effectively promoting disaster prevention. This exhibition also presented six cases by Hirokazu Nagata’s team which can serve as great inspiration for Taiwan's industry, government, and academia.

根據世界銀行與英國全球性風險和戰略諮詢公司 Verisk Maplecroft 的 報告,台灣是世界上最容易易受到天然災害衝擊的國家之一,我們有73% 的⼈口居住在有三種以上災害可能衝擊的地區,遭受兩種災害衝擊之國土地區更高達90%以上,從短期內的颱風、強降雨、⼟石流、地震、⼈為火災,到中長期可能會發⽣的⼤屯火山噴發,甚⾄是核能災害。⾃921⼤大 地震後,台灣各界對於防災意識一直不斷提升,透過防災教育深入校園、 建立防災社區、防災士培育,台灣在體制架構上已經比起20年年前要完整許多。

有鑑於台灣的防災知識仍屬於專業性質,難與一般⺠民眾無法親近與理解。 因此台灣設計研究院(TDRI)在2020年年時與設計導入防災議題深耕多年的日本神戶設計創意中心(DESIGN AND CREATIVE CENTER KOBE) 進行跨國合作,由TDRI帶領台灣11個設計團隊、2個品牌通路、⼀個基金會,協同新北市政府、防災教育等單位與⽇日⽅顧問一起研究及設計開發。 團隊以體驗式防災知識學習為設想,開發出包含火災、地震、⽔水災等,共產出4組緊急避難包的知識推廣方案與8項體驗式防災教具。



Year 2021
Date 2021.3.11— 7.25
Venue 松山文創園區 松菸口 台灣設計館 03 展區
Official Organizer 經濟部工業局
Executive Organizer 台灣設計研究院 TDRI
Curator Studio Shikai
Assistance Organizer 神戶設計創意中心、NPO法人plus arts
Partnership 小北百貨、無印良品、慈濟基金會
Exhibitor dosomething、Studio Coby、Studio Shikai、一步工作室、三頁文、水越設計、早起設計、東海醫院、選選研、點睛設計

萬華世界  WAN der LAND

《萬華世界 WAN der LAND》Through a contemporary lens, the exhibition encapsulates the rich cultural landscape of Wanhua in six vibrant themes. Using Food Design as the medium, chefs, bartenders, perfumers, lighting designers, musicians, visual designers, etc. collaborate capturing the essence of Wanhua’s culture, and expanding into to a spacial, aromatic, auditory, and visual experience.

Wanhua plays an indispensable and major role in the exploration of Taiwan’s native culture. When it comes to Wanhua, the first stereotypes that come to mind are the mob bosses, temples, prostitutes, or vagrants, but Wanhua is much more. Through in-depth interviews and data collection in the neighborhood, the team turned Wanhua’s life profile into six delicacies in time sequence, As if preparing a top restaurant exclusive to Wanhua—combining the morning temples, markets, Herb Lane, Dali Street, craftsmanship, and the nighttime culture of Night Karaoke Street(Hanamachi). Recreating the fine dining structure, the audience is invited to get a taste of Wanhua. In addition to the delicacies, the audience can experience the unique flavors of "Wanhua World" through sight, hearing, smell, and touch.

In this era, people are urgently attempting to establish the aesthetic and culture of Taiwan. Wanhua’s rich culture landscape may be opening the door to new possibilities. Ordinary life in Wanhua continues to capture and remember their precious culture. This exhibition invites people to gain a new perspective and appreciation of Wanhua, and paves a path to showcase future developments of Wanhua culture. Capturing wanhua’s unique history is not just to look back on and recall, but to create new possibilities and opportunities for the future.

《萬華世界 WAN der LAND》展覽將以貼近現今觀點的視角,將中萬華地區的人文風景收斂梳理成六大精彩的主題,透過「食物設計」作為訊息載體,由廚師、調酒師、調香師、燈光設計師、音樂創作者、視覺設計師等共同跨域創作,將萬華的文化內涵與常民生活重新設計轉譯,延伸到空間、氣味、聲音、視覺等五感體驗。

一府二鹿三艋舺的萬華,在探尋臺灣本土文化的路上扮演著不可或缺的重要角色。提及萬華,不乏刻板印象中的角頭、宮廟、站壁、或者是遊民,但萬華絕對不止於此。策展團隊透過深入街坊的訪談與資料收集,將萬華的生活輪廓按照時序變成六道佳餚;彷彿籌備一間萬華專屬的頂級餐廳,將早上的廟宇、市場、青草巷、大理街、工藝、到夜晚的花街特色文化,重新以精緻料理 (Fine Dining) 的架構轉譯為前菜、湯品、主餐、飲品、甜點,邀請觀眾一道接著一道地細細品嚐萬華的萬種風情。除了精彩的食物演繹,觀眾亦可在現場透過眼、耳、鼻等感官直接感受《萬華世界》的獨到韻味。


Year 2020
Date 2021.01.16 –05.09
Venue 新富町文化市場U-mkt

Curator 曾熙凱 Shikai Tseng
Co-curator 李政道 Chengtao Lee

Organizer 忠泰建築文化藝術基金會Jut Foundation for Arts and Architecture
Coordinator 忠泰建築文化藝術基金會Jut Foundation for Arts and Architecture、Studio Shikai、西城 Taipei West Town
Sponsor 忠泰集團 JUT Group
Supported by 明日咖啡 MOT Cafe
Media Partners La Vie、非池中、明日誌、實構築

Design Team
氣味設計|Smells of Taipei/黃蓉

Curation Team
展場設計|Studio Shikai/黃靖雅、温凱翔
影像製作統籌|西城 Taipei West Town

‧ 動態影像|溫子揚、林志潭、陳昀婕
‧ 影像剪接|早雨早晴
‧ 影像調光|萬事屋影像制作
‧ 特效製作|徐偉倫工作室
‧ 音效製作|皇冠錄音室

Special Thanks

下十年 ,循環設計展
 Disaster or Design

The date which all humanity run out of regenerable resources from Earth in entire year is called “Earth Overshoot Day.” Concerning 2019, the Earth Overshoot Day is July 29th, which indicating that it is an overdraft of 5-month amount of natural resources from the future Earth in the year. The resources from Earth are so limited, thus there is a saying: “The balance is restored by disaster or by design." While facing the disasters caused by unbalanced developments, how do we reverse the adversity through design?A transforming strategy is the key for present. Through three aspects as Design, Business and Science, and six themes including "Food," "Fashion/Textiles," "Housing/Objects," "Electrical/Electronic," "Plastics/Packaging" and "Cities," 40 circular design cases are presented to deliver how design works and illustrates the dynamic modality for this ever-changing world.In our next decade, the circular design will motivate us towards a brand-new life style.


Year 2020
下十年 ,循環設計展 Disaster or Design

Date 2020.02.22-06.14
Venue 台灣設計館05展區 (松山文創園區 松菸口)
Organizer 經濟部工業局 Industrial Development Bureau
Executive Organizer 台灣設計研究院 Taiwan Design Research Institute

Curator REnato lab
Exhibits Design Director
Shikai Tseng
Exhibits Designer
Huang Yaya, Sean Wen
Infographic Re-lab
Graphic Design tsai-tsai experiment
Motion Graphic Ray Ting

下十年 ,循環設計展
 Disaster or Design at Taitung Design Center

"Earth Overshoot Day" marks the date when humanity has exhausted nature's resources and services in a given year. In 1970, the Earth Overshoot Day was December 29th. Since then, the Earth Overshoot Day has inched forward every year, as our consumption increases. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the ensuing massive recession in 2020, the Earth Overshoot Day of 2020 moved back to August 22th. Still, that means an overdraft of 4-months of natural resources from the future of Earth—as if we have 1.6 earths. While the truth is, we only have one earth.

In Taitung, the lush mountain terrain, vast blue ocean, and the fertile land make Taitung a symbol of nature. The people's deep intimacy with nature, environmental consciousness and sustainability awareness are connected to the surrounding land. How will we best address the environmental crisis to protect and preserve our land? How can Taitung play a part in the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainability Development?

In times of uncertainty, we present Disaster or Design—A Circular Design Exhibition. Circular Design is a design method aimed at eliminating waste and continuously reusing resources, while generating economic growth. This project seeks to find opportunities within crisis—Combining Design, Business, and Science, showcased under six themes—Food, Fashion/Textiles, Housing/Objects, Electrical/Electronic, Plastic/Packaging, and Cities, 40 Circular Design Cases are presented to illustrate Design's potential and its vital role in achieving a circular economy.




Year 2020
Date 2020.9.25-2021.2.28
Venue 臺東設計中心 Taitung Design Center
Advisor 經濟部工業局、文化部
Organizer 臺東縣政府
Implementer 臺東設計中心
Assistance Organizer 台灣設計研究院
Curator REnato lab
Design Director Shikai Tseng
Designer Huang Yaya, Sean Wen

Studio Shikai — All Rights Reserved